Monday, 15 November 2010

Driving to Outwood Windmill.

All of the 42 paintings were taken to Outwood Surrey to the wonderful souls of 'Slippery Jacks', Sunday afternoon. We were driving in the darkest rain clouds we have ever seen!    The exhibition space is in the most enchanting little windmill called 'Outwood'.    Now we are back home, sitting by the fireside drinking mulled wine with a splash of brandy.  All the clouds have revealed the most stunning starry night, crystal clear cosmos, shooting stars and quarter moon.  The air so still with the calling of the owls in the oak tree.  Think its going to be a sparkly, frosty morning. I love these early mornings, light is silver and gold with ribbons of mist weaving between the trees.
 A preview of a few of the new paintings......   'Angel' has the silver and gold light.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Solo exhibition Invite.

My solo exhibition in November.
In a beautiful windmill in Surrey.
Thank you 'Slippery Jacks'

20th and 21st November
from 10am to 4pm.
Outwood Windmill

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Paintings and Poems

The Woods

Covered and buried in leaves,
Under the trees, under the wispy sky,
The earth, she whispers and  breathes.
My ear to the ground,
Her heart beat a deeper sound,
Then matches with mine. My light shines.
Slowly the trees move and sway above me,
 Moving patterns of sun light brings more life.
Connecting my soul with the heavens, 
Bringing peace in, bring love in.
Moving, spiralling to a place I remember,
Beyond the womb of time.



Think this was me as a little girl.

Ever seen a white crow?   This painting is called 'Souls'

A painting called 'Freedom'.                                                                               
I feel my heart in flight when
 I'm painting and wandering in
 nature,  by the sea, and early
mornings at dawn.

 and sacred spirals   

'The Hare and Crow'  
There's beauty everywhere, just have to choose to see it.

The White Hare

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Chalice Well and Indigo Night
These paintings were finished for the visit to Glastonbury.        Fairytale in nature, Avalon myths(truths) Celtic wisdom and legends of mystic England. Inspired by our Mother Earth, sun and moon. Dedicated to all of nature and her beauty.  They are also to compliment the books by Robin Clark.  See my links.  
Solstice Moon and Mystic Night
Spirit and Spring Light

Solstis at Glastonbury Tor.

Enjoying the view of earth and skyAdd caption
Amber and gold. Colours were so amazing
Sky photos for paintings and colourways.
Friendly face
Brother and sister, playing hide-and-seek in the long grasses and rolling down the hills

Wind swept!
A beautiful day to be gazing at the sky
Inspired for painting!

We spent a weekend here to watch the sunset from the Tor.  The light was so magical!

Monday, 31 May 2010

New paintings of Goddesses and Devas

Goddesses and Devas






Water Deva


Early morning, walking in the woods .Founds these incredible trees and ivy. The crows were calling over head in the tree canopy making this walk very mystical . I spent a while just sitting here,  listening to all the sounds. The air was so still as I made a few sketches for new paintings.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Summer.   I take this walk to my friends home. It's so magical here, and I feel it takes me back in time. The cottages around here haven't been changed at all in hundreds of years and it's very peaceful.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Planning workshops very soon.  Felt, ceramics, art, decorative painting, mandalas, textiles.... maybe a mandala with all these things!
Inspirations are from nature folklaw, surrounding, sacred countryside.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

The beginning.
Open studio. 

Friday, 16 April 2010

We can only, truly know each other with our hearts not our minds. To follow  your heart will lead you to dreams that thought can have no dominance.....the mind is image making unfounded, and limiting.  The heart is the true master of your beautiful world. We can be in our hearts always and truly love.......   

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Here comes the dawn. 4am mid summer last year. This is such a magical time of day, when the blackbirds are the first to sing and then theres a huge chorus of  bird song. No other sound at all!   I love the soft light waking up the flowers and diamonds of dew on the grass. This is when I walk bare foot in the garden to feel the energy renew all around with the coolness of the morning air.
Celebrating the morning

The colour contrast of the gold light of the candles with the indigo light of the dawn

After a few hours of dream time.      The brightest orange opens its petals to the sun.  Californian Poppy.
Where Bamba goes at night, I do not know........

The weekend before I had to leave this place for a new home, a rainbow (it was so close!) gave me a cheery farewell.   The sweet doves, that are always sitting there, so content.

Friday, 9 April 2010

I'm having an open studio this Sunday - 11 April and  Sunday .18 April.  Working hard changing the hallway and living room into an exhibition space. Its so much more relaxing when you can show your work at home, with all creature comforts around you.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Painting at Dawn in June last year.

A little company while I'm painting in the Garden!
Magical colours just as the sun begins to rise, the deep blues and purples glowing in the mid summer sky. This is my best time to paint. Everything is awakening from the starry sleep.